Suede Bolete

Boletus subtomentosus

6th November 2020, Beckenham Place Park
Growing in parkland near oak. Small cluster and group. Cap 2.5-7cm. Stem 4cm. Slight, odd, indistinct smell. Difficult to distinguish between some of the boletes in the Xerocomus family but this id seems most likely. ID is best guess. Sporeprint Brown. Spores 10-14µ x 3-5.5µ.

21th September 2018, Hayes Common
Growing in earth near rowan and birch. One. Cap 7cm, stem 7cm. Slight pleasant mushroomy smell. Could be Bay Bolete or something else, but spore size points towards Suede Bolete. ID is fairly likely. Sporeprint Mid-brown. Spores 8.5-13µ x 4-5.5µ.

18th September 2015, Knole Park, Sevenoaks
Growing in moss beside sweet chestnut sapling near large oak tree. Two. Cap 5-8cm, stem up to 5cm. No smell. Identification is partly based on spores being the right size. ID is very likely. Sporeprint Olivaceous, but not enough to be sure. Spores 8-11.5µ x 4-5µ.
